The Ayn Rand Institute published several hundred op-eds from about 1989-2013. The titles and authors of these op-eds reside in the Ayn Rand Archives. However, most of the texts were not saved. I published somewhere around 40 of these, but I could only find 17 in my hard drive. I have chosen 10 of these here. They cover a wide range of topics.
Click on a title below to read the article.
The New Left as an Enemy of the People: The Assault on Wal-Mart
By Edwin A. Locke Hartford, CT, one of America’s poorest cities, was looking forward to the arrival of Wal-Mart which would bring lower prices for consumers, more jobs, new stores that wanted to locate near Wal-Mart, and the reinvigoration of...
The Palestinian Choice
There will be no peace in the Middle East unless freedom rather than despotism becomes the Palestinians’ guiding philosophy. By Edwin A. Locke The toll of violence in the Middle East is a tragedy. The whole world, including President Bush, is...
America's Early Presidents Were Admirable Men of Principle-- Let us Hope we can Find More Like Them By Edwin A. Locke On Presidents Day, most Americans would like to celebrate the men who have been leaders of the greatest country in the world....
By Edwin A. Locke Not since the Revolutionary War has America faced a greater threat to its existence than it does today. A worldwide network of terrorists is bent on destroying us and everything we stand for. All the more reason to make clear...
Does the Catholic Church Offer a Proper Guide to Life on Earth?
By Edwin A. Locke With worldwide attention and adoration focused on the death of Pope John Paul and the election and celebration of his successor, no one has sought to ask the question: what does the Catholic Church stand for today? If one...
Who is the more dangerous enemy? The Terrorists – or our College Professors?
The Terrorists---or our College Professors? Moral self-doubt, inculcated relentlessly in our college classrooms, is a more virulent enemy than the Taliban. BY EDWIN A. LOCKE America, it is said, is faced with a new kind of war–a type of war...
The Greatness of Western Civilization
BY EDWIN A LOCKE | 30 SEP 2004 In this age of diversity-worship, it is considered virtually axiomatic that all cultures are equal. Western culture, claim the intellectuals, is in no way superior to that of African tribalists or Eskimo seal...
Congressional Hysteria Will Not Make Every Businessman Honest
What is needed is a new moral philosophy and proper anti-fraud laws BY EDWIN A LOCKE | 26 JUL 2002 In response to the recent discoveries of dishonest practices at Enron and other companies, both houses of Congress have worked themselves up to a...
How to Achieve Real Campaign Finance Reform: Have a Government That Can’t Sell “Public Interest” Favors
BY EDWIN A LOCKE | 11 OCT 1999 Congress is once again addressing the issue of campaign finance reform — and no wonder. The American public has become increasingly disgusted by the unprincipled manner in which our legislative process is...
On Tax Day Thank the Rich and Support Lifting the Tax Yoke off Them
BY EDWIN A LOCKE | 5 APR 2002 On Tax Day consider some basic facts. The wealthiest 1% of the taxpayers pay 34% of all federal income taxes. The top 50% pay 96% of the total bill. This means that the least wealthy 50% pay almost nothing. In...
The Government vs. Rights: Janet Reno’s Fascism
BY EDWIN A. LOCKE AND RICHARD M. SALSMAN | 29 APR 2000 On July 4, 1776, the Founding Fathers forged a moral and political revolution. They declared for the first time in history that men do not exist to serve the government, but rather that the...
The Meaning of Jack Welch’s Cave-In
BY EDWIN A LOCKE | 19 SEP 2002 On Sept. 14 the Wall Street Journal carried an article by Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, concerning the public furor over his post-retirement benefits package. In it he explained that he was offered...
Animal-rights terrorists take away our right to life and liberty
By DAILY NEWS | PUBLISHED: May 1, 2009 at 12:00 am | UPDATED: August 29, 2017 at 12:11 pm Rallies at UCLA and other campuses in support of animal research are a welcome sign that scientists are beginning to stand up to the animal rights...
by Edwin Locke and Onkar Ghate | May 18, 2005 Despite worldwide adoration and attention focused on Pope John Paul II and his successor, and now the Vatican’s decision to expedite John Paul’s possible canonization, few have asked an obvious...
The Terrorists’ Motivation: Islam
BY EDWIN A. LOCKE AND ALEX EPSTEIN | 24 JUL 2005 The continued attacks by Islamic terrorists against the West–most recently, the horrific suicide bombings in London–have led many to ask, what is the motivation of the terrorists? Commentators...
Why Clinton’s Race Panel’s Recommendations Will Not Work
By Edwin A. Locke The long awaited Presidential Report on race is out at last. Although it has been described as vague in it’s recommendations, the report supported Clinton’s “mend it, don’t end it” policy on affirmative action. The report also...
Bush’s Tax Cut Plan is Both Moral and Practical
By Edwin A. Locke Even before Bush's new tax cut plan was announced, it had become a source of confusion and conflict. The anticipated plan was attacked by some as immoral, because it would give the rich too many benefits and by others as...
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